The Importance Of Writting Down Short Notes. Learners Tip Hits.

Short notes writing. Requirements to note down short notes.
Today let me get into education. Be ready to learn. I'm going to talk on the importance of writing short notes.

Taking short notes is very essential whenever you are in a meeting, class or a group discussion. We are humans and we cannot always get hundred percent of what the teacher or the director who is speaking to us. We can't capture it all so the best thing to do is to write short notes. 

Short notes mostly include short sentences that contain the main ideas or theme of the topic which was being discussed. They are called short notes because they are mostly written in short form. This short sentences are obtained from the speaker and they should cover the main idea that is being put forward by the speaker. 

Writing the whole story that the speaker is talking about won't be writing short notes, you will be righting a story in which you won't benefit from anything but getting yourself exhausted. 

Let's now go to the Importance of writing these short notes. 

Short notes will enable you to save your time.
This is obvious, when we write any content in a short form we get enough time to review it at the end of the session. It is very important to consider time factor which revolves around everything. Write short notes and use your time for something else important. 

Writing short notes enables you to get a better understanding of the topic being discussed.
When you write short notes you will always be writing down the main points you get from the speaker. As you get the main points down you will have a better follow up and understanding every point the speaker says than a person who writes nothing. 
understand even more better. That is the main aim of writing these  short notes, so that we can review them later.

Writing short notes is important as it helps us to keep track of every discussion, meeting or class we attend.
The short notes that we write in every class we attend helps us to keep track of the activities that have been going on. It is important that whenever we write these short notes we write date on the paper so that we get to know exactly when we attended such a class. 
A person having a short notes of every session he attended will always have a good idea of where the session is heading than a person who have nothing to confirm to. 
Smart people always have short notes. 

These are just few importance of writing short notes, but we have a lot of benefits from it,which are helps to break the monotony, helps one to be active and helps one to be focused on every detailed being put forward. 

We should be doing this to get these benefits. Just write, you will have it all. 


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