A Decision it's the final answer or thought made by a person for a reason, season and purpose. Moreover, not all decisions made are correct and successful. Successful decisions are correct answers and thoughts made by a person. Many people haven't realised the ways of making successful decisions, hereby, they guess and imagine an answer on which it leads them to a total failure.
All people like archiving but not failing or losing. Acquired successful decisions its when a person gains skills, knowledge and techniques to get the best, quality and correct thoughts and answers. In addition some people get paid for offering decisions as decision makers, although not all people have the ability to perform and act as decision makers.
While making decisions we should be careful as some of them leads as to troubles, challenges and difficulties. For example; Before borrowing a loan from a bank, we should thing and decide what amount to borrow, how would you pay the loan, when would you pay and in what ways would you use the loan. However, if wrong decisions are made, you would be unable to settle the loan, hence, you might lose your properties or be jailed and forceful settling the loan.
While making decisions you should consider the following tips below.
1) Time management.
Make use of your time well, don't rush making decisions faster, human beings are considered not to be perfect for sometimes they are inaccurate. Before you decided the final answer, think twice.
2) Decide what's accurate and correct.
While deciding, never guess, imagine or forge your answer. Decide what seems to be correct. Hereby, we should be like doctors who never treat a disease that they don't know, they avoid causing harm to other people. We should avoid incorrect decisions to avoid harms.
3) Make use of acquired decisions and answers.
A person can gain knowledge, skills and techniques from other people. Therefore, we should apply them to think and decide the correct decision.
4) Seek advices from experts.
All things, actions and doing that we perform today were earlier done by other people. Among the earlier people there are those who became successful and archived it. Therefore, we should seek advice from them. Make use of their experience until you finally decide what's right.
5) Make researches and collect different ideas.
We can make research from reference sources such as books and the internet. However, different ideas can be collected from differnt people. The acquired informations and collected ideas are finally combined creating the main decision.
6) Have a great personality.
While making your decisions, never allow anyone to interfere with them. Avoid been discouraged, have a great personality. Trust and believe on your answers. Never believe and trust everyone, some people cheat, others been jealousy of you can lead you to a wrong decision.
7) Our basic life skills.
We live making decisions, however, there are some basic life skills that can lead us to better decisions. Basic life skills include; (a) Decision making.
(b) Critical thinking.
(c) creative thinking.
Decision making focuses on the ability to create decision, moreover critical thinking focuses on the ability of thinking. Example; we can avoid bad friends and groups by critically giving them creative thoughts such as 'Today am committed at home I cannot accompany you until next time.' In addition we can create wise but false decisions to avoid harms, troubles and even giving excuses.
I had always been making decisions, though some of them have been failing. Hereby, I have been reading different books, reviewed Google platforms and I use to seek advice from different people. After I had gain the techniques of making decisions, I have now archived many targets and goals. These has led me be successful in my life.
Never depend on anyone or anything, trust and believe in yourself, you can make better and successful decisions, get motivated with this tips, apply them while thinking, they would lead you to successful decisions.
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