Life advice
If by any chance you are on social media then it's highly probable that you have a figure or a person that you idolize. They might be a popular artist or maybe a content creator of some kind, but all in all, they must be prominent within the Social Media framework. There is nothing wrong with having such figures in our lives, they inspire us and sometimes shape the way we perceive the world around us.
It is imperative, however, to note that despite how unwilling you might be to face the obvious truths, these people are not necessarily the best impressions of the way we should shape our lives. They lie to us and deceive us by only showing us the side of their lives that they want us to see and hiding the dark miserable parts of it.
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I now welcome you to the new world order, the world of deception and lies, where those seemingly in advantageous positions use control to blind the ones that hold the real power from seeing the strength that they truly possess.
From the news you watch to those glorious reality shows that have hooked you up so much, they will stop at nothing to make sure that you think the way they want you to think.
Nevertheless, I don’t blame them, I blame us. We who with our right minds agree to be controlled, to buy their senseless ideas. We try to incorporate their ideas into our factual realities. We who refuse to open our eyes to the naked truth right in front of our eyes; "THAT WE HAVE BEEN DECEIVED.”
Is it just me or do you sometimes wonder how we came about to be what we are now? Do you wonder how prostitution started being called content creation or how promiscuity started being venerated or where the sudden need for a couple's marriage life to be so public arose from? These things only go to show you how much of a wretched generation we are living in.
Being a faithful woman in the times we live in is perceived as being oppressed, exerting your masculinity will only make your face get plastered on the front pages of the antimisogynistic journals.
You might think that this doesn't pose a threat to a society's welfare but then look at it. Young girls now admire twerking women on the internet, men's esteem has never before been so low and relationships have never failed as badly as they are today.
This shows that society is at the blink of failure, that we are headed into an age that barely values dignity.
This calls for mental liberation, which is why this is one of the most real articles I will ever write. A problem can only be solved if we acknowledge that it exists in the first place. The last thing I want is for my kids to grow up with the notion that what they see on the internet is the norm. I want them to be liberated mentally, to form rightful principles on the path of life that they’ll take. Because then and only then that we can claim to have brought forth a healthier generation, to have left the world a better place.
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